Why have a massage?

by | May 1, 2010 | BENEFITS OF MASSAGE

The Benefits of Massage

Massage in a remedial sense is a hands on technique, which works with muscles and soft tissue. It works deeper than relaxation massage.

  • Prevents injury and helps promote healing time
  • Circulation problems
  • Muscular tension from postural changes
  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Sinus problems
  • Nervous exhaustion
  • Arthritis
  • Breaking down scar tissue
  • Repetitive and occupational overuse syndrome

Remedial massage helps with repetitive overuse of muscles sometimes associated with prolonged sitting at computer stations…

The modern world seems to speed onwards; Our lives over flow with schedules, work and chores. We push our bodies to work harder, aim a little higher. Few of us actually listen to our bodies, thinking they are just here to get the job done, the deadline met. Although we may not listen to our bodies, our bodies listen to the world they live in. Your body knows even if you don’t, when it is try to take a break, when you have sat at the desk too long, worried too much, or pushed yourself passed exhaustion. Our bodies speak to us in the only language we hear… PAIN.

The regular headaches, sore back, tight back, aching arms, tired legs and feet is your body’s way of telling you to slow down and find balance from your busy life.

Massage Therapy is a great way to help the healing muscles-posterior-163x300of these issues. Massage has been employed since ancient times, and continues today as a viable treatment option for stress, soft tissue injuries, muscle spasms, pain management and rehabilitation. The frequency of massage treatments that will be right for you is based on your individual needs. As a soft tissue therapist, I will be looking at your particular lifestyle, your stress levels and your coping mechanisms and of course the type of work you do. Together we’ll work out a solution, tailoring professional therapeutic massage to your particular biomechanical and stress requirements.

Physiological changes occurs in the body due to the improvement of circulation and the release of neurotransmitters and hormones into the blood stream during a massage treatment. Studies (1) have shown that massage reduces the levels of stress hormones (such as adrenaline and cortisol) and increases relaxation within the body as well as improving serotonin levels in the brain (the happy hormone) leading to an overall increased sense of wellbeing . Negative stress hormones can lead to disease and impair the immune system when present in high levels. Massage therapy is a great way to combat the effects of stress and an overworked lifestyle. So contact Maintain Massage now and ‘maintain great health in life’.

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