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Going to see a Massage Therapist?

Below we have put together a number of questions you may want to ask your massage therapist. What formal qualifications do you have? Do you have a first aid certificate? Can I claim the treatment through my Southern Cross insurance? Will you ask for a medical history?...

Neuromuscular Therapy

Specific approach to restore the structural, functional and postural integrity of the body Which treats the problems of pain patterns that form . Pressure techniques allow the soft tissue to be restored so Spasms, contractions, tensions, adhesions and Trigger Points...

Remedial Massage

Specific massage techniques to treat the dysfunction of soft tissue, either from Sports injury, repetitive overuse in faulty pain patterns from work or sedentary lifestyle. Information is Gathered to help find the cause and treat the symptom

Therapeutic Massage

Treatment focus using deeper pressure to allow muscle pain to ease and encourage circulation and blood flow which in turns give nutrients and oxygen to soft tissue and improves range of movement.